Tuesday 19 June 2012

The future of innovative marketing.

Today, with the emergence of new technologies and applications such as customized ads, Internet cookies, databases, social media, neuromarketing, face recognition, and machines with eyes, these are the first exposures to the future in the world of marketing. In this article, 10 predictions about the futures of marketing are made, aiming to present leading views on marketing futures from leading marketers. Realizing that marketing has always been affected by the broader environment, this article looks at worldwide developments over the next 100 years and predicts how these will affect the marketing scheme. Findings suggest that marketing in the future is not just confined to business, advertising, promotion, customer relations, etc., and that marketing is much more important that simply being a tool, but rather an ideology or applied philosophy to the society, business, economy, and life. This paradigm includes convenience marketing, social relationship marketing, marketing as a way to create structured thinking, and marketing as an inherent part of human culture. It seems as if marketing can be anything, and it is omnipresent where people are present, like a sixth dimension. Marketing is a force that has a light and a dark side. In the future, marketing will be a necessary skill for everyone. Whether it is for learning how to build relationships, learning how to manage information, or to knowhow to create a fairer and more just society, marketing transcends all of these very meaningful subjects. As Einstein may have wanted to put it: ‘This is the true theory of everything in marketing’.

Predictions about marketing in the next 100 years.
Predicting the marketing scheme over the next 100 years is of course, an overwhelming and risky task. The difficulty is, obviously, that no one knows how the world will take shape in the future. Even science has had its fair share in making wrong predictions. But interestingly, predictions of scientific development have often been underestimated.

1.     1.                       3D advertising, augmented reality and Internet in the contact lenses With recent developments in 3D, it seems that the nearest prediction would be for marketers to focus on developing 3D advertising and holographic imaging. The technology already exists. There is a memorable scene from the movie ‘Back to the Future’ where Michael J. Fox travels to his distant future to save his son from making unfortunate mistakes with Griff (Biff’s grandson). In that opening future scene, Fox’s character is intimidated by a 3Danimation/hologram of a great shark, attempting to get its teeth into him, and which seemingly is an advertisement from the nearby cinema for a continuation of the Jaws series. This could very well be in development now as the technology is already flourishing. In the future, such 3D adverts would not just be confined to large billboards or street ads but also in our living rooms – engaging ads coming out of our 3D televisions. Similarly, Minority Report style advertising billboards, which can recognize passers-by, and target them with customized adverts are already under trial by IBM’s innovation laboratories. Such billboards would take target marketing to the next level, effectively allowing large billboard adverts or shop windows to match individual customers’ demographic profiles with targeted products

2.      2.                          Telekinetic powers and neuromarketing
It is astonishing to even imagine how computers will be able to read our thoughts, and take action on what we desire. Indeed, as unimaginably as it may seem, science should not be underestimated. It was not long ago when, Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, said in 1943, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Assuming that such scientific progress, i.e., Moore’s Law keeps its pace, in a hundred years time, we may well, have telekinetic abilities. In fact, recent research has successfully made monkeys move objects with their thoughts alone by wiring their brain. For marketers, this is a new area that should be speculated on. In doing so, we may think in terms of what the logic of marketing currently is and where it is headed, which then, feeds into the predictions of how marketing will be implemented in the future. Certainly, the field of neuromarketing exists even today, where brain scans will reveal how certain customers will respond in certain ways to certain stimuli. Take this concept into the future, and what we will experience are customers skipping away from adverts on their TVs not with a remote controller, but rather with their minds! It is astonishing to even imagine how computers will be able to read our thoughts, and take action on what we desire. Indeed, as unimaginably as it may seem, science should not be underestimated. It was not long ago when, Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, said in 1943, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Assuming that such scientific progress, i.e., Moore’s Law keeps its pace, in a hundred years time, we may well, have telekinetic abilities. In fact, recent research has successfully made monkeys move objects with their thoughts alone by wiring their brain. For marketers, this is a new area that should be speculated on. In doing so, we may think in terms of what the logic of marketing currently is and where it is headed, which then, feeds into the predictions of how marketing will be implemented in the future. Certainly, the field of neuromarketing exists even today, where brain scans will reveal how certain customers will respond in certain ways to certain stimuli. Take this concept into the future, and what we will experience are customers skipping away from adverts on their TVs not with a remote controller, but rather with their minds!

3.              Matrix-like world – the future shopping experience Even today, social networking websites have changed the way in which people communicate and the way we develop our relationships with other people. Facebook, in particular have developed many innovative ideas to bring not just the Internet into the world of social networking but also, the real world. For example, applications such as ‘Facebook pages’ gives companies a new way to build loyalty and interaction; it gives users the opportunity to link real life experiences with the virtual world in real time. ‘Facebook live’ shows live streams from different events where ‘things are happening’ and you can join in and take part with your comments. ‘Facebook deals’ gives users another incentive to be interactive and commercial by looking for discounts, deals of the day, and offers. Perhaps, ‘Facebook check-ins’ will soon be a rental space for companies to display themselves. In a way, word of mouth and viral marketing are responsible for the popularity of Facebook and many other major websites like Twitter, YouTube, and Google. In the future, it may not be word of mouth, but ‘thought-2-thought’ or‘mind-2-mind’ that brings customers together to use a particular platform.

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