Friday 15 June 2012

DJ'ing on a Laptop - Equipment and Necessities

DJ'ing has become very popular in the last few years especially since technology has allowed a non-technical person to become a Pro DJ in a few weeks when equipped with the right Digital Scratching Tools available on laptops. This article will teach a person to DJ and what equipment they will need after the purchase of a laptop to start mixing beats like a pro.
Purchase a laptop. Look for a good brand Laptop that you know will not crash during a gig. If you are looking for a PC, I would recommend closely looking at customer reviews, talk to electronic store sales people, and even ask your friends what laptops they may recommend. The great thing about a PC is that a consumer can get a phenomenal computer with all the bells and whistles for a very affordable price. The problems PC's face are viruses that infiltrate that operating systems and crash the hard drives erasure program, music, and important data.
Consider a Macbook. They are absolutely more money and don't offer all the bells and whistles the new PC's are coming out with, but they do offer stability, consistency, optimal performance, and are not nearly as susceptible to the viruses a PC can get.
Demo (trial) DJ Software before you buy it. You can get a bunch of free DJ programs to start with BUT these programs do not offer what the paid programs do. There are so many free programs that they are unnameable at this point but the ones that you should look into are Virtual DJ, Traktor, etc. These are programs that must be bought but offer things like, playlist controls, beat mixing features, sync mixing features, skins that look like real mixers, etc. The free programs will not do what you really need to do as a laptop DJ.
You can stop here if you just want to practice before getting into the equipment you'll need to start DJ'ing gigs. You can even DJ smaller partied with good laptop speakers any time you want. To become an advance DJ with good sound equipment, move on to the next section.
You have your laptop and DJ Software, now you need a mixer. You have to plug your laptop into a mixer of some sort. You will output the speakers from your mixer. Mixers are fairly inexpensive and can be bought at your local music store. A 4 channel mixer would be fine. Some DJ Software Programs offer an USB external sound card. These sound boxes allow for separation of the Left and Right Channels. If you do purchase a USB external sound box you would run a 1/4" cable out from the LEFT channel to channel 1 on the mixer. You would run a 1/4" cable out from the RIGHT channel on the box to Channel 2 on the mixer.
IF you DO NOT have an USB external sound card, then you will be using the "OUT" or "Headphone" jack and run an 1/8" out of the computer to 1/4" into Channel 1 on the mixer.
You have your laptop, DJ program, Mixer, now you need speakers.To keep you set-up simple but still powerful, invest in POWERED (Active) speakers. (Speaker that you need to plug in to get to work). If you get passive (non-powered speakers) you will need separate amplifiers connected to you mixer. Powered speakers are more expensive but will punch/kick your music better and your DJ set-up will be much simpler.
You have your laptop, DJ program, Mixer, now you need speakers. To keep you set-up simple but still powerful, invest in POWERED (Active) speakers. (Speaker that you need to plug in to get to work). If you get passive (non-powered speakers) you will need separate amplifiers connected to you mixer. Powered speakers are more expensive but will punch/kick your music better and your DJ set-up will be much simpler. You will need 2 XLR cables. The female end will get plugged out from the mixer and into the speakers (Left/Right outputs). Buy 2 Speaker stands if possible.
You have your laptop, DJ software, mixer (optional USB external sound card box), 1 1/'4 - 1/8" cable, powered speakers, 2 XLR cables, and speaker stands. You just need your favorite music and MIXES and you are ready to start practicing to become a pro DJ on a laptop.

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