Saturday 5 May 2012

Exhibition Promotion and Planning

How to stand out different from others while planning exhibition? This can be done only when your event is properly planned. Accurately planned events have least chances of going wrong. There are various things involved in exhibition promotion and planning like selecting venue, marketing, getting sponsorship, preparing committee, arranging finance, carrying out registration process, etc. All these things can be effectively done only when there is proper team work. Important part of exhibition planning is designing of stall and making arrangements for displays.

How to plan and promote your exhibition? You can get answer to this question by considering the below mentioned points:

Determine your objective: Determine the objective which is achievable. Don’t set targets which are impossible to reach. You have to be very practical in stating your aim as further exhibition promotion and planning depends on your aim. State the reason behind your exhibition so that you can easily set the targets. Directly point the dart towards target audience in order to achieve your objectives. Depending on your objective prepare marketing and sales plan. With exhibitions you can enhance your sales, develop customer relations, understand market scenario, building brand image, etc.

Competitors: Who are your competitors in exhibition? Depending on this you can strengthen your weakness and present yourself perfectly. There are many exhibitions held every year, so ask organizers to provide you with list of exhibitors so that you can get the idea of participants. Also ask for the people who have registered for this year’s exhibition and get in touch with attendees of event to know their likes as well as dislikes. This will help you in making accurate promotional plan.

Prepare checklist: Prepare checklist for exhibition promotion and planning in order to avoid last minute work. Proper planned schedule will allow you to continue with error free work. Once you are ready with the lists of work to be done then start allocating work to concerned people. Provide every staff member with particular deadline so that you can accomplish your work on timely basis. Your checklist should include content like stating objective, time limit, preparation of budget, requirement of area, graphic designing, promotional activity, trained staff, required data, etc.

Focus on product and design: What product you are exhibiting? Are you ready with design? Your product should not over shadow the design and neither your design should over shadow the product. Keep proper balance while displaying product in order to make design captivating. You hardly get time to grab attention of viewers as they have hundred things to look around. So in short period of time you have to manage to attract them towards your product. Don’t make too much display of product that viewer gets confused in understanding what exactly you want to sell. To whom your product is meant for must be accurately determined and this can be done by making proper arrangements of product and design.

Budget: You are in exhibition to gain profit for your business so keep in mind this factor while spending money on exhibition. Do not overdo with your expenses that you find it difficult to recover expenses and make profit. Following are the things you need to consider while preparing budget:

• Rent of space you occupying for exhibition
• Money involved behind construction of design
• Travelling expenses
• Cost of transportation
• Money involved behind various promotional activities

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