Saturday 21 April 2012

Global Advertising Market Size in 2011-12

According to eMarketer’s latest report, the global advertising market size is continuing to grow despite the recession. Worldwide ad spending will total $496.9 billion in 2011, up from $475.7 in 2010. The growth rate did slow somewhat, with a 4.5% growth rate in 2011 vs a 5.8% growth rate in 2010. This ad spend encompasses a range of advertising mediums, including directory listings, online ads, magazine ads, newspaper ads, outdoor ads like billboards, radio ads and TV commercials.

The online advertising market size is playing a big role in these robust numbers. Advertisers will spend $80.2 billion globally in 2011, which is a 17.2% growth from last year.

Top 10 US Advertisers
With almost $500 million being spend on ads this year, who are the biggest spenders? According to Kantar Media, Proctor & Gamble was the biggest advertiser in the US from January to June 2011, spending $1.3 billion dollars. AT&T was a close second; with spend of $1.1 billion dollars. The other major advertisers were General Motors ($924 million), Comcast ($884 million), Verizon ($808 million), Pfizer ($633), L’Oreal USA ($626 million), Chrysler ($621 million), Time Warner ($18 million) and Johnson & Johnson ($589).

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