Saturday 3 March 2012

DJ Sound For Event Planning

1. Reverberation - Repeated resounding or echoing. 

2. Attenuation - To reduce the intensity of sound waves.

3. Decibel - It is the unit to measure the level of sound.

4. Microphone - It is a device which is used to convert sound waves into electrical signals.

5. Microphone Mixer - It is a device which is used to combine two or more electrical signals.

6. Amplifier - It is a device which is used to amplify (i.e. increase the strength of) electrical signal.

7. Amplified Speakers - This speaker contains a built in amplifier.

8. P.A. System - It is an abbreviation for Public Address System. P.A. System consist of microphone, mixer, amplifier, speakers etc.

9. Feedback - It is a ringing nose which is produced when a microphone regenerates the sound picked up from a speaker.

10. Sound Source - It can be a speaker, vocalist or an instrument or any device which produces sound.

11. Frequency Response - It is a way a device like microphone or environment like a room respond to different frequencies.

12. Flat Response - It means a device like microphone respond in the same way to different frequencies i.e. whether the frequency is high or low, the device is going to respond in the same way. No device or environment can have a flat response. However they can have a nearly flat response.

13. Ear Plugs - This device is used to attenuate sound waves. It is worn by people who work in noisy places like clubs to prevent permanent damage to hearing.

14. Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) - Any device which has a NRR of less than 20 DB (decibel) is not of much use.

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