Friday 10 February 2012

Essentials for an RJ

Be yourself: Create your own image. Don’t try to imitate anyone. Be clear about your likes and dislikes.

Talk one to one: A Radio jockey should converse in such a way that one who is listening to him should feel as if The RJ is talking only to him. That means RJ should not address the masses but to a single person.

Get to the meat of the link: RJs who speak more become very boring so a good RJ should have an ability to convey his thoughts or whatever he want to say in minimum words that too impressively .He should be able to paint a picture before the audience with his words.

Some more essentials for being a good RJ

RJ is all about music. Thus, Intensive knowledge of music is precondition to be RJ 

RJ should carry vivacious personality and should be young from heart and who loves talking to people and believe in its own performance. RJ is original and has own style. The language he speaks is very normal but he treys to spice it up so that what he presents comes out differently and sounds interesting to the listeners. The foremost condition of RJ nature is hanging your shyness, embarrassment, inhibition and reserve nature in your wardrobe. Simply come out of it and make yourself open. 

Modulating voice should be your style of speaking. Monotones speech in single flow without any ups and downs will make you to lose your audience. So sound different every time. A friendly and interesting voice is a necessary attribute, but not an all-sufficient one. 

Lifeline of radio chatting is humour. Jokes or mimicry helps you further. Saying something witty and very direct way to say will leave a mark on your audience. Do something that's normal and at the same time that has not been done in radio before. 

Radio jockeying is not only garrulous and whimsical remarks.So be resourceful about the information that people generally miss It is about delivering important news and keeps people well informed for the happenings. So always be resourceful. 

Be Friendly!
The listeners should be able to relate to you. Why would they want to listen to a stranger? Try to be one among them and always be a friend so that they can relate to you. You need to listen to somebody who is a friend of us. Be like how kids talk in schools and guys talk in colleges, how friends talk when they are going out to eat or drink. 

The competition is tough and it takes more than a good voice to woo the audience. There are some who believe that RJ is born and not made. General advice is to listen to a lot of radio, try to put yourself in the shoes of listeners, try and come up with innovative ideas, use oodles of wit and pack your voice with energy.

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